Hopefully you can tell that we care a lot about children and young people at Holy Trinity. We want them to learn about and experience the love of God in Jesus Christ in a fun, loving and safe environment.
Sunday Fun Club begins 10 minutes into the morning service. Our leaders will take the children (3yrs +) so they can have fun and learn from the bible.
Messy Church -Every second Sunday of the month is Messy Church. Kicking off with breakfast in church, families stay, play and learn from the bible together. We head to the school for big games and craft.
All Age Family Service - Every fourth Sunday of the month is an All-Age service where the children remain in the church for the whole of the service with an interactive talk and worship together.
Trinity Toddlers runs on Tuesdays in term time from 9:15am – 10:45am in the church. Drop in with your 0-4 year olds and enjoy a morning of craft activities, singing and storytelling.
Friday Fun Club (FFC) happens every other Friday from 6:15 – 7:30pm in the village hall for school age children up to year 6.
With games, tuck shop and the 'God Spot' it’s £10 per term. See Facebook for all the dates and information.