Trinity Toddlers
(Term time) 9:15am – 10:45am
held at Church
Just drop in and enjoy a morning of craft activities, singing and storytelling.
(children 0-4yrs).
Find us on Facebook:
Church @ Prayer
Come along to our prayer meeting on the second Tuesday of the month at 11:15am.
We pray for those we know, our community and issues around the world.
Elders Tea Wednesday
Monthly 3:00pm @ Various locations
A warm welcome to those over 60 to join us for tea, cake and chat. for more information please contact Meg on 01825 733578 or email: holytrinityhighhurstwood@gmail.com
Home Groups
Thursdays 8:00pm @ Different homes
A chance to meet in smaller groups to study the bible, eat, chat and share fellowship. Some of our home groups meet fortnightly where others meet every week. For more info, please contact Mark Ashworth on 07708491289 or email: holytrinityhighhurstwood@gmail.com
Friday Fun Club (FFC)
Fortnightly 6:15 – 7:30pm
Held at the village hall, this
youth group runs for school
age children up to year 6.
Games, Tuck shop and the 'God
Spot'. £10 per term.
Find us on Facebook for all the dates and information.