A welcoming and vibrant church at the heart of High Hurstwood, loving, serving and following Jesus.
Our upcoming Chrismas services include :
Service pattern
1st Sunday of the month - 8am BCP Communion & 9.30am Holy Communion with children’s Groups
2nd Sunday of the Month - 9.15 AM Messy Church with breakfast & 11am morning prayer service
3rd Sunday of the month - 8am BCP Communion & 9.30 am Holy Communion with children’s groups
4th Sunday of the month - 8am BCP Communion & 9.30am All Age service
Trinity Toddlers on Tuesday at 9.15-10.45 at the church
FRIDAY FUN CLUB is on Friday is fortnightly 6.15pm at the Village Hall
Do come and visit us one Sunday - or contact us via email : holytrinityhighhurstwood@gmail.com. If you would like more information or would just like to talk to someone about the Christian faith.